Fever of Love

Fever of Love

4.00 out of 5

Fever of Love is a collage painting from when Edwards first began experimenting with mixed media. It includes colors, paints, textures, cutouts and various organic materials. It was inspired by an old flame and one of his first experiences with an older woman. Throughout his life Edwards would often hang out with people that were older than him. Originally, this was a test piece for Edwards but it has evolved over the years and he finds himself still adding to it today.


The Fever of Love collage painting has a wide range of colors and materials. Materials include cutouts, tile, glue, leaves, candy, paper, acrylic, oil, house paints and keychains.

If interested in this piece you may contact the artist here.

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Cutouts, tile, glue, leaves, candy, paper, acrylic, oil, house paints and keychains.


48 W x 48H x 1D
